Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Kim Dotcom all connected in the same event to announce proof that the NZ Government has lied to the public and shit.
This post has been edited by The Angry Kiwi: 15 September 2014 - 12:05 AM
Edit: Wait never mind i remember what Surge is now.... its that Mountain Dew ripoff from Coka-Cola that tasted like shit. But i hate Mountain Dew anyway.
This post has been edited by ReaperMan: 15 September 2014 - 08:09 AM
I hate all the idiotic news coverage headlining this as "Wacky 90s Nostalgia #ThrowbackThursdayOnAMonday". #GoFuckYourSelfie.
It's back because it has a cult following of people who like the actual damn soda. Not because it's cool, retro, fashionable, or some horseshit. Fuck the human race.
I was wondering when this light would come on. It's been years since I've seen it. Thing just started beeping like crazy 5 minutes ago. Spooked the cat.
This post has been edited by Jeff: 15 September 2014 - 07:08 PM
The Angry Kiwi, on 15 September 2014 - 10:08 PM, said:
I have never had to replace a CMOS battery before...
Jeff, on 16 September 2014 - 05:35 AM, said:
It's a UPS battery.
Fucking noob.
Actually, whenever I repair an older laptop, I always try to change out the battery if possible. If they kick out within months you're stuck gutting the piece of shit again.
I had a patch earlier in the year where all the new batteries I put in things ten years ago ran out within days of each other... It sucked. My UPS (Old beige APC 3000) still has no batteries, I should get around to getting some for it. Even though I live less than a mile from a power station the electricity isn't always stable here.
Speaking of hardware, I think I'm going nuts; I'm thinking of buying and old PCChips motherboard cheap just for the novelty.
Not speaking of hardware, I'm in a good mood right now.
Long version;
My cooking is legendarily terrible; I can only do toast well well done, my bacon is extra extra crispy and the last time I cooked for someone else I never saw them again after they called the paramedics... There's also that time I was meant to cook for a girl when I was a teenager which involved me barricading the kitchen door and running off down the back alleys of the estate to the nearest chippy. Let's just say, it's bad and luckily I don't have to cook for anyone but myself these days.
Either way, a few days back I opened the fridge only to find I had no bacon left which sucked. Still wanting something meaty I found a tin of hot dogs. Being from Britain, the general thing to do is boil/heat things in water and ensure they taste as bland as possible and I didn't deviate, simply heating them in the brine. But it struck me, what would happen if I fried them instead? Frying things usually improves them. Better yet, what if I fried them with bacon? Bacon makes everything better. Heck, why stop there - what if I added cheese? Cheese also makes everything better.
Weighing up that this snack would probably contain ridiculous amounts of salt, fat and completely unknown calorie content (Stuff I don't care too much about) I dismissed it as a lightly amusing idea and forgot about it. Until the next day I was reminded, having several sausages left. I did some research and discovered that similar snacks had been invented already - what I ran into was a Danger Dog (Seemingly Mexican) and a Francheezie (Seemingly from Chigago, USA), the latter isn't a million miles away from what I had in my head... The UK is boring, we don't really have stuff like that here. Knowing someone else had thought of something like it somewhere else in the world though, well, that kinda told me it maybe wasn't as bad of an idea as I first thought...
Today I was out of almost everything and went to the supermarket. This evening I was bored and figured I may as well attempt to make this thing. My method was to slice a line down one side of the dog and stuff cheese into it before wrapping it in bacon and frying it to death. The end result was a kitchen with smoke hanging in the air and a rather greasy thing in a hot dog bun... It tasted awesome. Could maybe have used a little more cheese but it actually worked!
So on the up-side I've discovered a rather tasty thing to eat. On the down-side I'm contemplating more cooking so my house is likely to end up in smouldering ruins. Also, I find it funny that I have just shoved something so unhealthy down my throat when I'm at hospital tomorrow to have a camera down my throat to investigate ongoing stomach problems.
Nonetheless, new favorite snack discovered.
Short version; I'm terrible at cooking. I made a rather unhealthy snack that didn't suck, it was awesome. I am in hospital for an upper GI Endoscopy tomorrow.
Well, the endoscopy went fine... Though it wasn't the most fun thing I've ever done in my life.
First up you get this anesthetic sprayed into your throat that burns and tastes nasty, then of course they have to ram the scope down your throat which isn't fun as you start to feel like you're choking on it. The longer you're lying there the more you're starting to breathe fluid and your airway is all slack from the anesthetic. Overall though, tolerable enough and I now know what the inside of my stomach looks like.
It was discovered that I have a severely inflamed gullet, hopefully after years of complaining about it to the doctor I may finally be able to get some treatment.
High Treason, on 18 September 2014 - 02:46 AM, said:
Well, the endoscopy went fine... Though it wasn't the most fun thing I've ever done in my life.
First up you get this anesthetic sprayed into your throat that burns and tastes nasty, then of course they have to ram the scope down your throat which isn't fun as you start to feel like you're choking on it. The longer you're lying there the more you're starting to breathe fluid and your airway is all slack from the anesthetic. Overall though, tolerable enough and I now know what the inside of my stomach looks like.
It was discovered that I have a severely inflamed gullet, hopefully after years of complaining about it to the doctor I may finally be able to get some treatment.
This post has been edited by Protected by Viper: 18 September 2014 - 07:05 AM
Protected by Viper, on 03 September 2014 - 11:23 PM, said:
The real issue is that Tim Cook sucks.
Anyone who follows tech can tell you that he's going to run Apple's reputation into the ground within the next five years.
He takes shitty care of his customers, produces subpar products, refuses to innovate and pushes out his best engineers. He's the bizarro world version of Ballmer. He's a gigantic faggot - literally. He's actually a faggot in both senses of the word.
He insists on running Apple solely based on brand identity - the same thing that John Sculley and Michael Spindler did before Steve Jobs had to come back and rescue the company from the ashes. The guy literally does not give a fuck. If this happened under Jobs' watch heads would be fucking rolling right now, and it might have never happened to begin with because Jobs attracted the elite of the elite.
Well, two weeks since the whole cloud leak, and you've been pretty dead on with your assessment. I am pissed to have that damn U2 cd. Of all bands why U2, I specifically don't like Bono or U2 since Achtung Baby was overplayed soo much in the early 90's. That fucking joshua tree song sucks too. Now it looks like I bought the newest U2 album... Fuck that, 33 million album sales my ass. http://www.marketing...py-itunes-users
Then this one is too much. A dead Joan Rivers comes back to facebook to brag about the new iphone 6 she never ever saw. http://www.cnn.com/2...-iphone-6-post/