Ronan, on 30 May 2014 - 06:07 AM, said:
The Mass Effect games are good value without the DLC, each game has a lot of content but their DLC is mostly stuff just cut from the game for the sole purpose to milk more money from people. I have no problem paying for games that are worth the cash, I already paid for the Mass Effect series once on the 360, unless they offer a complete edition for the pc with all DLC included then it won't be worth paying for. You sound like you got a lot of value out of Mass Effect and if you don't mind paying for all that DLC with probably costs hundreds when all added up with the base games, then that's fine for you but I reckon most people feel they are taking the piss.
No they aren't. Don't buy Mass Effect without the DLC. If you want to pay them, buy it then pirate superior versions.
With the exception of the Firewalker DLC for ME2 the rest of it really is required gameplay. Pirating the DLC also gives you access to all kinds of weapons and armor that really deepens the gameplay.
EA is a fucking disgusting organization, don't let your respect for them ruin your experience. There's 20 hours of awesome you're missing out on by doing that.
Kasumi and Zaeed are some of the more interesting characters in the series and are worth having, and you get sub missions in ME3 from them as well.
Overlord has an amazing plot, and really shows you how dirty Cerberus is. It introduces two really awesome characters. It has direct tie ins to ME3 depending on whether or not you save Grissom Academy (Jack). Grissom has this really great moment you don't see without it, and if you fail to save it, you get guilt tripped yet another time further down the line.
Shadow Broker provides much needed linkage between 2 and 3 and is amazing, especially if you had Liara as a romantic interest in 1. It's one of the greatest moments in the entire series, up there with Feros, the suicide mission, and the Omega DLC. It has direct tie ins to ME3, as well.
Arrival also provides much needed linkage, and gives backstory into the Reapers' plan. It also ties in heavily to the first 10 minutes of ME3.
From Ashes is obviously required.
Leviathan explains the origin of the Reapers and makes the ending
soooo much deeper.
Omega DLC is incredible, some of the best level design I've ever seen,
and it is filled with fucking lore. It's super underrated. It's four and a half hours of awesome - just boom, tackle, bangin' ass. You see so much of Omega and the people who live there, retaking it really is amazing. It's the first time I ever felt like I was actually invading a facility, not just a representation of one that kites me along certain paths.
Citadel DLC is pure fanservice BUT IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL THING EVER. Parts of it are dripping with lore, everything from the First Contact War to the Council covering up the Reaper threat. It makes the ending hurt so fucking bad, too. Also it's basically a requirement for anyone who wants to import a Jack file into ME4 because EA dropped the fucking ball on her role in 3.