Posted 23 May 2014 - 02:21 PM
you mean the guy who is the founding co-editor of secularism and nonreligion, and is a member of the the nonreligion and secularity research network and the center for atheist research?
oh yea. a secular atheist would never be biased against religious organizations.
now did you bother to read his article? there's alot of "assuming", "estimating", "likely", "unable to come up with an accurate estimate" -properly quoted just for you - over and over and over.
those numbers are guesses and fudging. even admits it in the notes that alot of it is guesswork and national averages or just straight up this is what the property would cost if it was in Florida. is also using the housing bubble peak estimate numbers during the recession. all the figures are artificially bloated.
also claims that these subsidies only benefit religions organizations and other asinine claims which are completely untrue (i've already pointed out that only one of those listed subsidies is church specific - other non-profit organizations can get them as well).
kinda also fails to note that there are 1,409,430 tax-exempt organizations, but only 324,804 are religious/church organizations.
why were churches singled out in his article? oh yea, nonreligion and secularity bias
the only thing in the article that makes any sense is that churches should be audited. ther're not supposed to exploit loopholes and horde money since they're allegedly non-profit.
i'm not defending churches, they should pay taxes on all profits, but so should the other 1,084,929 supposedly non-profit organizations.
i call shenanigans.
This post has been edited by Forge: 23 May 2014 - 03:13 PM