But all too offten, it seems that it does and things get out of control. So the next time you want to give someone a piece of your mind for whatever the reason, Duke it out here! Is it payback time? Someone talking shit way off topic? No need to fill it with 'tit for tat' back and forth bullshit! All you gotta do from now on is quote him and say, "Step into the arena!" and Duke it out here! Only a chicken-shit, punk-ass coward wouldn't accept your invitation and let it be known! If you need to rant, rave, got fired, problems with a bitch, or just flat out tell everyone you had a bad fuckin day, don't hold it in! This is the thread to let the shit fly! You'll feel a whole lot better.
To bad the previous crap can't be dumped here, or can it? I didn't see a similar thread anywhere, so....
Anyway, I'm feeling much better already!