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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - 2025 Update  "Important Announcement!"

User is offline   FistMarine 


Hello everyone! I want to make an important announcement regarding the future of Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club!

As you may have noticed, I have been hosting the event since the start of 2022, up until the end of 2024. Over time, I became a lot less active and since the last couple of months, I was unable to meet the deadline with my reviews and I admit sometimes rushing my reviews just to make it for the end, before hosting the next month edition, give or take a few days in some cases. And in a few cases (mostly in 2024) even extending the current edition until the following month.

In the last edition from December 2024, despite the good activity of that month, I just didn't have much free time as of lately and ended up skipping my playthroughs of DN64 and DNTM, as I couldn't get anything reviewed and eventually forgot about it. Therefore, I apologize for my lack of reviews for DN64, DNTM, FM7X and whatever else I ended up skipping for those times.

As a result, I ended up not hosting the first two 2025 Map/Mod of the Club editions. And with March approaching quickly, I decided to let people know what is currently happening. I feel like I am no longer in position to host the event from this point onwards and want to let someone else to host the event from now on. I have been talking to Aleks recently in a few PMs about that and he gave me a couple suggestions, in regards to who will become the host for future Map/Mod of the Month Club events.

I decided to make this topic to announce that and to listen for suggestions from the community and what are people's thoughts on all this. Personally, I trust a couple members to pick up this event and host it from now on. Those people are the following: Aleks, ck3D, High Treason, Quacken. I apologize if I missed any other dedicated player/reviewer. Let me know who wants to host the upcoming editions!

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for participating in all the previous editions of the club! It was very fun while it lasted, not only playing through various maps/mods over the years, some of which were either brand new experiences or revisiting a particular game/map/mod, as well as reading the reviews of many people who contributed to the club and in some cases, even seeing their screenshots/videos that were occasionally posted in the topics over the years.

I will also say that I never expected this club to become so successful. I was fearing back in 2022 that it will not last very long but it ended up lasting for THREE years and a half! I mean sure, there were a few editions that weren't too successful but at the same time, there were a couple editions that were incredibly successful and surprassed my expectations! Which in turn, ended up very active topics with a couple pages and also attracted new players to the club.

Initially, Aleks was hosting the event from June 2021 until the end of that year and as per his request, I carried over the torch for the following three years. But now it's time to step back and let Aleks continue hosting or have someone else step up and continue hosting the event from this point ownards.

Note that I am NOT leaving the forum! I might still participate in the future events and I still intend to review DN64, DNTM and FM7X one day. In fact, in past week I have been playing through the FM7X episode for the first time and I will have a review posted at some point in the future. Whether these reviews will be posted into a separate topic that I will make, it remains to be seen.

Thanks everyone for understanding and have a nice weekend! :)


Sad to see this end. It was only kind of activity I personally sometimes had when you hosted for mods I enjoyed and had time to revisit like Last Reaction/Water Bases or Shadow Warrior among others ...

User is offline   Merlijn 


Thanks for hosting it for as long as you did! Even when I was not actively participating, I had fun reading through the topics and all the different reviews.

User is offline   slacker1 


Thanks for hosting the mod club for all that time!! I had a ton of fun on the months I was able contribute and write some reviews. Life's been a bit busy lately so I haven't had a chance to participate in a while. I hope to participate again in the future if/when the club continues.

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