I've dabbled with these quite actively since 2016 when Hendricks did an initial "copy slope" script for Fury use.. From that I kind of learned the basics and then just realised how much the editor can be extended from stuff like missing hotkeys to all sorts of automation and previews. To me editing nowdays with scripts has allowed me to go far beyond what I'd normally do.
For to those new to m32 scripts, they are basically CON syntax text files that allow extension of the m32 editor to do things from automation to in-editor preview visuals and whatnot.
A good script is something you don't even notice is there and simply offers things like documentation and additional functionality that simply augments existing tools.
This means that no technical or programming knowledge beyond loading a script is really required from user's side and the rest.
A simple example could be something like you'd never even think about, such as setting tags for multiple sprites if you have more than one selected with the exact same stock dialogues and all.
There are a lot of already existing editor extensions that Allen added to Duke3D's build through "astub.c", which is responsible for things like the spinning nuke at the start, skill previews, lighting preview, etc..
Naturally this has been extended over the years in code by various authors, including TX and Helix, etc..
m32 merely moves the extension possibilities to work outside of source code changing and recompilations... Kind of like the whole ethos of eduke32 in the first place.
I'll try to keep this nice and clean, don't expect these scripts to cooperate extremely well together and these are not really enterprise-grade quality but they are generally adapted from stuff I've either tested on Fury or such.
My end goal is to create a scriptset similar to Fury but instead for Duke3D and other games.. When I have time

Sector 3D selection
Followed with some tips on how to work differently with ROR / TROR to the point where I no longer even bother separating SOS layers.
To load a script, place the file to d3d dir and run `include sectsel` inside console.
After that use SHIFT + SPACE for 3D selection.
QUOTE + X (lighting preview) is required to see selected sectors in 3D mode, albeit has some clash with SE lights that may have some better methods in the future but not accessible at the moment.
For workflow, I recommend watching the video.
Attached File(s)
sectsel.zip (504bytes)
Number of downloads: 185