Duke Nukem Forever: Reimposition is a project to re-implement and enable a fully functional DukeED for Duke Nukem Forever (2011), and as a modification aims to fix and improve Duke Nukem Forever (2011), and make it more fun to play!

This is an on-going project being actively discussed in the Duke4.net Discord, and being worked on by community member IceColdDuke.
Current features of the DukeED re-implementation include:
- Re-implementation of Unreal Editor for Duke Nukem Forever (2011)
- UnrealScript compiling support
- Content import support
Current features of the re-imposition modification include:
- Removal of the weapon limit with the full weapon roster being selectable with 0-9 keys
- Duke Nukem 3D style HUD
- Removal of general depth of field effect

The GitHub repository featuring the latest compiled revisions and source can be found here: https://github.com/j...NF-reimposition
Feel free to join in the discussion in the Duke Nukem Forever channel in the Duke4.net Discord here: https://discord.com/invite/ks5bHrH