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Duke Nukem Forever: Reimposition  "A reimplementation of DukeED and modification for DNF 2011"

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Duke Nukem Forever: Reimposition is a project to re-implement and enable a fully functional DukeED for Duke Nukem Forever (2011), and as a modification aims to fix and improve Duke Nukem Forever (2011), and make it more fun to play!

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This is an on-going project being actively discussed in the Duke4.net Discord, and being worked on by community member IceColdDuke.

Current features of the DukeED re-implementation include:

- Re-implementation of Unreal Editor for Duke Nukem Forever (2011)
- UnrealScript compiling support
- Content import support

Current features of the re-imposition modification include:

- Removal of the weapon limit with the full weapon roster being selectable with 0-9 keys
- Duke Nukem 3D style HUD
- Removal of general depth of field effect

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The GitHub repository featuring the latest compiled revisions and source can be found here: https://github.com/j...NF-reimposition

Feel free to join in the discussion in the Duke Nukem Forever channel in the Duke4.net Discord here: https://discord.com/invite/ks5bHrH

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User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Hell yeah!


Made a lot of upgrades, new shader code(steep parallax mapping, constrast adaptive sharpening, better tone mapping, etc) and added enhanced new bot code for multiplayer matches(called icebot) type addicebot in the console in a old school multiplayer game to test it out; the game now supports listen server as well so you can play matches with friends with mods a lot easier.



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Just an image showing off how the graphics changes we've done really make even the original game feel good, that mixed with the gameplay changes, the fps sections of the retail game feel really good. Next week I'll take a look into hud options and tutorial videos.


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Everything in the game now casts shadows. Before like 30% of the objects in all the levels did, now everything does.

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User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


Looks quite a deal better, and that new HUD is very nice. Only thing I don't care for is how simplistic the text looks.

What a shame it took ten years to get here.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


How did you manage to mod the game in general? IIRC Gearbox did pretty much anything to make modding as hard as it can possibly get.

User is offline   Green 


View PostNightFright, on 27 September 2022 - 02:54 AM, said:

How did you manage to mod the game in general? IIRC Gearbox did pretty much anything to make modding as hard as it can possibly get.

Old Unreal Engine variants, such as the branch Duke Nukem Forever was based on, are overly modular and the game shipped with the Editor.dll included that contains the relevant components of the editor with the exception of a front-end UI that's typically operated by an UnrealEd.exe included with the title. Duke Nukem Forever, unfortunately, did not ship with DukeED.exe. In the past, it had been explored in a variety of ways to see what could be done so far as creating something usable for 2011 but it was ultimately concluded that to produce anything usable in a modding context would take a ridiculous amount of effort. IceColdDuke took the approach of using other Unreal Engine title editors and the Duke Nukem Forever 2001 content for reference and re-implemented the editor functions from the included Editor.dll to an UnrealED interface.

As such, the reimposition package includes a functional editor created in that manner through effectively linking functions from the included Editor.dll to an UnrealED UI. I'm sure there's more to it than this on a technical level but that's the general gist of it. It works surprisingly well, and it's interesting being able to explore the maps and content in-editor as well as experimenting with creating and modifying content using the tool.

User is offline   JohnBlade 


Looks amazing unfortunately I can't move at all - the WASD just does nothing. At first I thought it's just bug when duke is stuck peeing in first map but even after selecting another map in chapter selector it didn't help.

I also tried to remap it to arrow keys without any success either.

Anybody knows how to fix this?

User is offline   vini1264 


View PostJohnBlade, on 03 January 2023 - 10:32 AM, said:

Looks amazing unfortunately I can't move at all - the WASD just does nothing. At first I thought it's just bug when duke is stuck peeing in first map but even after selecting another map in chapter selector it didn't help.

I also tried to remap it to arrow keys without any success either.

Anybody knows how to fix this?

Go to the Userdata folder present in your Steam install and locate the 57900 folder, delete it and disable steam cloud globally in Steam's settings

User is offline   Dacoolguy 


Is this still being worked on? Any progress?

User is offline   Dacoolguy 


Guess not...

User is online   Lunick 


The lead on this project is infamous for abandoning projects.

His latest project is using AI in Quake 3 for text chat...


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