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AMC TC art redux  "thanks to sebabdukeboss20"

User is offline   Jblade 


A preview video of some of the amazing work sebabdukeboss20 has done for us since joining the team - there's still a lot more not shown (only a fraction of the weapons) as well as a whole bunch of new content for episodes 4 and 5. We're still looking out for mappers to join the team, so if you're interested jump into our discord channel :D


User is offline   Loke 


That ending tho'. :D

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


I hope all of this means faster turn-around times for new episodes. :D

The only thing I would mention is that a lot of the art getting replaced already has good art for it. I would prioritize replacing weaker art first. Some enemies, like the really fast ninja in all the Asian levels, need replacement.


View PostGaydar, on 01 July 2019 - 04:53 AM, said:

I hope all of this means faster turn-around times for new episodes. :D

The only thing I would mention is that a lot of the art getting replaced already has good art for it. I would prioritize replacing weaker art first. Some enemies, like the really fast ninja in all the Asian levels, need replacement.

From what I understand it helps a little as one less thing to worry about. But mapping is still mapping in build engine. I already made a handful of future enemies for future episodes (which I will not spoil) so new art generally covered.

Prioritizing weaker art has already been done (basically anything that was smaller resolution). I wanted the majority of the art to have a consistent look to it. I replaced almost all the enemies/players/NPCs (100+) and weapons (around 200+). The only exceptions are those that are from build engine games that still look decent like Shadow warrior, Blood, Powerslave, etc.

This post has been edited by sebabdukeboss20: 01 July 2019 - 06:13 AM


User is offline   Polunka 


View PostJblade, on 29 June 2019 - 12:46 AM, said:

A preview video of some of the amazing work sebabdukeboss20 has done for us since joining the team - there's still a lot more not shown (only a fraction of the weapons) as well as a whole bunch of new content for episodes 4 and 5. We're still looking out for mappers to join the team, so if you're interested jump into our discord channel :)

Damn! Downvoted you as a result of a misclick. Sorry 'bout that. :) You can downvote me in retaliation if you will, man B)

Anyways, this is looking really neat so far. You guys haven't even got the whole game out the door but are already planning a visual remaster! I wish you lots of luck with the project!

And kudos to sebab for hopping aboard this unstoppable train of creativity! :D

This post has been edited by Polunka: 01 July 2019 - 06:24 AM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


View Postsebabdukeboss20, on 01 July 2019 - 05:30 AM, said:

From what I understand it helps a little as one less thing to worry about. But mapping is still mapping in build engine. I already made a handful of future enemies for future episodes (which I will not spoil) so new art generally covered.

Prioritizing weaker art has already been done (basically anything that was smaller resolution). I wanted the majority of the art to have a consistent look to it. I replaced almost all the enemies/players/NPCs (100+) and weapons (around 200+). The only exceptions are those that are from build engine games that still look decent like Shadow warrior, Blood, Powerslave, etc.

Would you mind sharing the art you made for this ninja enemy? I personally found it to have the weakest art and was wondering what you came up with:


One issue I've noticed with some weapon art, is if they are sourced from models, they retain their polygon shape. You'll see that the scope on this weapon is not a circle. Do you plan to fix any of these? :


This post has been edited by Gaydar: 01 July 2019 - 07:11 PM



Sorry to say I did not update that ninja (yet). We've been debating on him because he still works style wise with the other Shadow warrior enemies in the map. If I updated just that ninja, he may stick out too much compared to other enemies. But we're still debating that. I do have a potential model base and we'll have to see how he looks. He may end up looking different from a stereotypical ninja.

Also for the weapons, I redid like 95% of them. But I think that crossbow is untouched cause it still looked good. But I could probably do some quick edits to round that scope out.

This post has been edited by sebabdukeboss20: 01 July 2019 - 09:07 PM


User is offline   Jblade 




Art re-release is up, follow all the instructions on the news post carefully.

This post has been edited by Jblade: 27 July 2019 - 12:36 PM



I only wish that Cedric 'Zaxtor Znort' Lutes had lived to see this released.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostJblade, on 27 July 2019 - 12:36 PM, said:

Art re-release is up, follow all the instructions on the news post carefully.

Only played a bit of the 1st episode, what I encountered looked good.
The characters, weapons, enemies, the new pda interface. Job well done.
There are still some quirks and kinks, but I noticed you addressed a few things as well. Looking forward to the next installment

This post has been edited by Forge: 27 July 2019 - 07:30 PM



Problems already.

Before that I can't upload images, it keeps telling me "Upload Skipped".

1_ In the Loadout Editor, Merlijn's Thunder Sword shows sprite of handing a coin instead.

2_ Still no 1024 resolution friendliness with Snowfall's Shotgun. When dual wielded they run on one-another.

Too soon to feedback on the new art yet.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


It's not too soon to acknowledge that sebabdukeboss20 and Jblade have outdone themselves on this overhaul. It's amazing to see how quickly it came together, given the scope -- sebab is a machine who spits out high quality sprites like they were candy from a pez dispenser. My only complaint about AMC TC is that there is so much awesome content it is overwhelming for filthy casuals like me.

User is offline   Loke 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 28 July 2019 - 02:26 AM, said:

sebab is a machine who spits out high quality sprites like they were candy from a pez dispenser.

Heh, you should've seen the Discord when Sebab joined. Poor James couldn't even keep up. :dukecigar:

User is offline   Jblade 


if feedback is going to consist purely of "i liked the old stuff better", don't bother - it's gone and not coming back.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Whoah, I just noticed this. Really awesome work! I find it just wonderful that the project gets its own original art, it always bothers me a little if a good TC has to heavily rely on borrowed material in the art department, even though this is perfectly understandable considering the amount of work involved in the creation of original art. The more awesome the results in this case :dukecigar:

I also feel I should again compliment sebabdukeboss20, as with Alien Armageddon, for getting this authentic look for the high-res sprites, as if they were indeed made for a game from the late 90s that uses high-res sprites (e.g. like Battlespire or the later Might and Magic titles).

Oh, and I think you could very plausibly pass off screenshots like this, this or this as images from Ion Fury :lol:

User is offline   Phredreeke 


View Postsebabdukeboss20, on 01 July 2019 - 05:30 AM, said:

The only exceptions are those that are from build engine games that still look decent like Shadow warrior, Blood, Powerslave, etc.

I have a set of Powerslave enemies upscaled waiting for when sirlemonhead's port is ready. If there's any interest I could provide versions palettised for AMC. Same for any enemies I've done for the Blood Upscale Pack.


More anomolies. I still can't upload images so I'll try to be as accurate as possible. (I'm wondering if the F12 of the new EDuke32 didn't get trouble ...)

1_ Geoffrey's Heat Vision shows sprite of handing a bill in the Loadout Editor.

2_ The fingers of Merlijn with the Compund Bow is partially cut (when idle).

3_ At the Shopkeeper, when viewing Highwire's AS-VAL, it shows a sprite of James instead.

4_ James's AN-94. When idle, the cobra sight is White. When aiming, it is Black.

Still too soon for feedback.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Oh, and by the way: among the old sprites that have been replaced, is there any original work made from scratch, or were they all borrowed or frankensprited from other games' assets?


View PostMrFlibble, on 29 July 2019 - 05:49 AM, said:

Oh, and by the way: among the old sprites that have been replaced, is there any original work made from scratch, or were they all borrowed or frankensprited from other games' assets?

Off the top of my head, I don't any are truly made from scratch.
Most of the sprites were franken models from existing 3d game models. Saves me a ton of work, especially with rigging (which I hate). I heavily modified a lot of texture skins so some models are nearly unrecognizable from their original models. I rendered them all the same way Duke 3d models were originally made so they all have a consistent look/style/lighting and so they blend into build engine games.

This post has been edited by sebabdukeboss20: 29 July 2019 - 07:20 AM



Time for some feedback !
(no use raising your weapons)

BTW I'm sorry it will be a tight pack, potentially hard to read, but it's because it would take either a full page or several entries otherwize, and I don't mention absolutely everything for that very reason.

What I like :

_Graphical quality (ob-freaking-viously). _The few urgent/worst cases now are part of the bests (GDF Plasma Gun for instance). _ Highwire and Micky's Rocket Launcher have become WAY better than before. _ Grenade Launchers coming by default instead of upgrades, much more practical and it solves 2 loadout conundrums on my end. _ All the tweaks I saw in levels are for the better, for instance the Boat scene is more complete and explicit. _ There isn't one character whose graphic re-design isn't satisfactory.

Satisfaction factor : 80%

What I don't like :

_ Some design choices. Some weapons would have benifited from being closer to the originals (in design). _Some weapons look either too big or too small (see later). _One or two (litteral) weapons are almost ruined (see later) _When walking, most characters look too rigid. Only their legs move, the rest remains still. In French we say that "it looks like they have a broom up their ass". _ Geoffrey's arms in first person view. He basically has grey skin (too much time spent in space maybe ?). _There are stuff I don't like about Geoffrey's re-design but I have to wait, I had felt the same with Rusty's recast but now I like it so I have to wait.

Frustration factor : 20%

Suggestions/Precisions :

_James's XM8, when idle, looks a bit too small. _ Merlijn's hand doesn't follow the movements of the Dagger and Golden Daggers' handle too well when stabbing. _Highwire's VAL is ruined, it must be either re-drawn or brought back (sorry). _ Higwhire's PKM reloading animation, it's just shaking around it's ridiculous. _Sang's SR2 is a bit too small while the F-2000 is a bit too big. _Rusty's Default and Golden Revolvers look small and under-detailed. The Micro Uzi is just a tiny bit too small. _The shooting sound of Rusty's Default Shotgun and Mikko's MSC-12 must be either increased or changed. The tamest non-silenced shotguns EVER ! _Geoffrey's default Pistol is a bit small and weirdly angled, could use some tweaks. _Geoffrey's Golden Shogtun, the cannon is big while the butt is small and the sight is super tiny. Must be tweaked. _ Mikko's MDF Magnum and Revolver are a bit too big. _ Mikko's Silenced SMG. Overall design. _ Mikko's Sniper Rifle, same comment as with Highwire's VAL. _Micky's Default AR looks globally too small. _Snowfall's Shotguns look too big and bulky.

User is offline   Jblade 


nothing is 'ruined' pick your words better if you want me to pay any attention to what you're saying.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


As a team we're open to hearing suggestions in general. Worst case scenario is we simply choose not to do them, either because we disagree with the suggestion, the proposal is a tangent, or it's simply too much work to implement.

The way you phrased your suggestions are extremely demanding like you're ordering us about: "you must do this" etc. It's probably not what you intended, but as James said, you need to be diplomatic in tone if you want to persuade people, especially when you're not in a position of authority.

Also keep in mind that some of what you're suggesting is based on relative comparisons. You may yet get used to the changes if you play it more, and might not necessarily have made those complaints if those were the original weapons that shipped with the TC's first release.
Also note that a lot of those are relatively minor issues. We could easily spend months upon months doing lots of little tweaks here and there, but our time is limited, and we'd much rather spend it working on the core of episode 4. After all, 10 hours mapping can produce much more content than 10 hours of weapons tweaking, and a lot more players will notice that content too.


I must admit I kinda rushed my post but the only phrasing I will not reformulate is about Highwire's VAL, it's the only one.

And yes indeed I didn't mean to order around, for how long I've been here, and how much stuff you adressed over the past years (especialyl glitches, the gap from Ep2 still impresses me) I would be the dummest person on this planet. You used the word "Diplomatic". In terms of diplomacy, rest assured I'm not the worst (don't develop please).
In any case I'm going through a bad period (I have the feeling like the world against me these days (not just here no worries)), hence why I'm having a bad temper these days. When you say about if it were the first realse, it's definitely right. But it's not the first release and I've been here since V1 therefore I naturally end up growing higher demands, I'm just a human after all.

Anyway, I will conclude by saying, I'm just giving my opinion, my point of view. I never said it, and I think you understood, I say all that on an INDICATIVE ground. I never expected anything to be taken into account (otherwise you would have heard of me much more !) And my being a voice of dissonance is paradoxically potentially more helpfull and potentially constructive than if I had just kept saying YES to everything, even to things I disagre with, such as overly tame shotgun sounds for instance. I'm becoming overzealous, that must be it.

OH BTW ! James (or anybody) I have an idea about the glitch with Highwire's default shotgun. What if I made a save with the glitch, YOU made a similar save on your end, and I send it to you so you can compare ? Maybe it would help ? Or I could send you the file that boasts the weapon's code and you could compare as well ? What do you think ?

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 03 August 2019 - 12:16 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch and enjoy your escapism with the TC, but dude, this is a free addon made by people in their free time.


I've been here since V1

You've spent a LOT of time playing and then coming here and posting every nuance of your experience. You've conditioned yourself to the point where a significant portion of your routine revolves around these two things and as a result have invested yourself into a state of taking virtual ownership. It's reflected on how you address the people who work on this TC.

This isn't the first time either. Nor the second.

This post has been edited by Forge: 03 August 2019 - 06:57 AM



Fine let's stop this right here before I get to lose everything and become rotten. Since my negative feelings obnubilate everybody and since my positive ones are disregarded I shall leave in frustration until either time patches things up, or until somebody shows more intelectual charity.

BTW My proposal for trying to fix the glitch with Highwire's default SG is still there.

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