Randy Made A Single Tweet About A Duke Nukem Animated Series
#31 Posted 11 June 2019 - 06:44 AM
#32 Posted 11 June 2019 - 10:02 AM
gemeaux333, on 11 June 2019 - 06:44 AM, said:
"Duke would always be Duke...sidekick trying to correct him would just piss him off, not change him"
and by pissing off Duke it would also annoy the player. no sidekicks please
#33 Posted 11 June 2019 - 10:26 AM

I bet some still have Dylan stuck in their throat... sort of the equivalent of Jar Jar Binks

But for JSJ, this sidekick idea would be better than no game at all...
This post has been edited by gemeaux333: 11 June 2019 - 10:27 AM
#34 Posted 11 June 2019 - 10:30 AM
gemeaux333, on 10 June 2019 - 05:06 PM, said:
binding him to a politically correct sidekick, Duke won't change WTFsoever but will just get pissed of, and in the end the sidekick have become like Duke by being at his contact
As far they "make" Duke act "politically correct" as Deadpool, could be ok.
Just keep him on the badass way and not too much on comedy way.
#35 Posted 11 June 2019 - 10:31 AM
It was already supposed to happen in the past with Bombshell. Alien Armageddon actually made it happen. Not official, but good enough. Bring back the old Duke from 1996, it's that easy. Without Randy Shmandy Dandy messing around with it.
#37 Posted 11 June 2019 - 12:28 PM
johnnythewolf, on 11 June 2019 - 05:53 AM, said:
I would also add that Duke Nukem never seems to be fighting regular humans, only robots and aliens. Remove the occasional swear words, the random sexual content and change the aliens' blood to any other colour than red and Duke Nukem could have easily been made into a 90s saturday morning cartoon for kids. That is how "edgy" the character is!
This is factually correct and I think people downvote you now out of sheer habit. As long as you keep strippers away from Duke, he won't do anything that offends modern sensibilities very much. Now if he encounters strippers, then he will treat them in the way the men treat strippers in strip clubs, which is considered problematic now lol, but if you simply constrain what is in his environment, then there's no problem.
Of course we are talking about the real Duke, and not the Douche Nukem of DNF. The less said about that the better. The real Duke is not particularly edgy or politically incorrect, and is a perfectly serviceable video game character. Serviceable, but not likely to sell many games in the modern world.
#38 Posted 11 June 2019 - 12:31 PM
I feel like most of you are either too disconnected from the SJW horde, or part of it interloping.
#39 Posted 11 June 2019 - 12:50 PM
johnnythewolf, on 11 June 2019 - 05:53 AM, said:
I think I get it, you hate Duke Nukem. Or at least have a strong dislike for him.

Besides, Batman has been reinterpreted and reimagined a bazillion times already, from Adam West's campy kid-friendly mascot to Tim Burton's socially awkward weirdo to Batman: The Animated Series' sexy James Bond-esque figure to Frank Miller's psychopathic vigilante to Mark Miller's anarchist/antifascist freedom fighter to Batman Beyond's Spiderman wannabe to a fucking LEGO character of all things.
Difference. Birdman isn't Batman. Birdman was made for the movie, and was not previously established. I'd watch the hell out of a show about a washed up action star trying to make it in Hollywood. There's nothing wrong with that idea, the problem is taking a character who's been established as one thing, and making it something he's not. Throughout all of those versions you mentioned, Bruce Wayne was always a billionaire vigilante. He was never a washed up actor.

Joking aside, as I said in another topic some time ago, I do not get why people refer to Duke Nukem as "politically incorrect" in the first place, as all he does is make pop culture references and objectify women. Not just that, but he does not use slurs beyond the occasional "fuck" or "shit" nor does he do anything to challenge the statu quo.... That is some incredibly mainstream shit there; back in the 90s, that sort of character was pretty much the norm - and still is, it seems. So the idea that doing anything less than that would somehow make Duke Nukem "politically correct" is just simply laughable to me.
I would also add that Duke Nukem never seems to be fighting regular humans, only robots and aliens. Remove the occasional swear words, the random sexual content and change the aliens' blood to any other colour than red and Duke Nukem could have easily been made into a 90s saturday morning cartoon for kids. That is how "edgy" the character is!
I don't think Duke is politically incorrect, but he sure as hell isn't politically correct. Being PC and being PI are two different things. Duke is somewhere in the middle, the problem being if you were to make him PC, it would ruin the character.
Also, Duke's attitude was not mainstream in 90's video games. Maybe movies, but games, to my knowledge, didn't have the type of character Duke was. That's why the game was so controversial.
#40 Posted 11 June 2019 - 01:21 PM
Trooper Dan, on 11 June 2019 - 12:28 PM, said:
I'm not actually going to disagree with you much there. Modern sensibilities are degeneracy without meaning and feels without contemplation.
In a drag kid world, offending modern sensibilities involves setting boundaries, not pushing boundaries.
An edgy Duke would sensibly and without irony or embellishment embrace defending his home and people from an alien invasion that the politicians and leaders are too cowardly (or worse) to do anything about.
This post has been edited by WorkWandaWork: 11 June 2019 - 01:23 PM
#41 Posted 11 June 2019 - 07:40 PM
WorkWandaWork, on 11 June 2019 - 01:21 PM, said:
Amplifying on this point: In a typical contemporary take, the aliens would be given a "noble" purpose, most likely that they are environmental stewards of the universe and will dismantle human industry to prevent global warming. The non-edgy protagonist would then become deeply conflicted about opposing the invaders, and wonder if letting them win was the correct option. Ultimately, though, the protagonist would grudgingly fight the aliens because of their extreme methods, but would at the same time shit on his or her planet to the maximum extent possible. This would culminate in a speech to the UN after the invasion is repelled in which the protagonist lectures the world about global warming and to expect more invasions if something isn't done soon.
A good example of this kind of contemporary take is the Killmonger villain in the recent Black Panther film. To help oppressed blacks around the globe, he proposes to simply give them large quantities of big high-tech guns. That's the plan. In the film there are literally Wakandan planes shown flying off to deliver said weapons to hotspots such as Oakland, California (where I grew up by the way). At no point does anyone in the story challenge the sheer stupidity of this plan, let alone challenge its ethical merits (except perhaps in the most vague and meek way). The fact that he wants to shovel big guns into the hands of angry people who are already embroiled in violence is, if anything, seen as a positive that makes him a more complex and likable character. Because, you know, if having access to lots of small arms in urban areas leads to pointless violence and aids in the destruction of communities, then surely more and bigger guns will somehow help everyone. Now I don't have any problem with a villain who wants to do this (other than the fact that intelligent villains are more interesting than stupid ones), but I do have a problem with the Hollywood attitude towards it. An edgy protagonist would point out that the plan is part and parcel of Killmonger's evil -- it is not well intentioned, or in any way good or laudable, not even a little bit.
And so yeah, if Duke were to un-ironically oppose the alien invaders, despite whatever "good" intention that some lazy writers shoehorned onto them, that would make him edgy.
#42 Posted 11 June 2019 - 09:06 PM
*by politically correct, all I mean is a normal fucking game and who cares if some fuckhead's feefees get bruised.
This post has been edited by Forge: 11 June 2019 - 09:10 PM
#43 Posted 11 June 2019 - 09:27 PM
Forge, on 11 June 2019 - 09:06 PM, said:
I think that's true, as long as the developers' primary objective is to make a great game. If it happens to also be subversive in addition to being a great game, that would be an added bonus that could greatly increase sales. The subversive elements need to be organic to the game though, and not seem shoehorned in or there to pander to anyone. When people value their politics above quality, the results tend to be shit, regardless of what kind of politics are behind it. And I'm pretty sure that a shit game would sell poorly, even if politically incorrect.
#44 Posted 11 June 2019 - 09:53 PM

To parents: Sometime check and kickass your kids and let them understand when something is wrong for real.
This post has been edited by The Battlelord: 11 June 2019 - 09:55 PM
#45 Posted 12 June 2019 - 04:15 AM
NightFright, on 11 June 2019 - 10:31 AM, said:
I like Hoji; Kamiko less so, but only because she basically filled the exact same purpose as Hoji and yet somehow her interactions with Lo Want often felt far more needlessly antagonistic.
Forge, on 11 June 2019 - 09:06 PM, said:
The Postal franchise's niche-at-best success begs to differ...
Forge, on 11 June 2019 - 09:06 PM, said:
Too bad, those GamerGate fuckheads could never apply this to themselves...

Trooper Dan, on 11 June 2019 - 09:27 PM, said:
I would say it is the opposite, actually: plenty of successful video game franchises feature protagonists fit this description: Mass Effect's Commander Shepard, StarCraft's James Raynor, Uncharted's Nathan Drake, Dead Rising's Frank West, Wolfenstein's BJ Blazkowicz, Devil May Cry's Dante, several Grand Theft Auto protagonists, Red Dead Redemption's John Marston and Arthur Morgan, etc.
Trooper Dan, on 11 June 2019 - 09:27 PM, said:
That is basically every non-WWII Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare, though. Not particularly edgy.
Never Forgotten, on 11 June 2019 - 12:50 PM, said:
No. I just think that there should be more to the Duke Nukem franchise than Duke Nukem 3D.
Never Forgotten, on 11 June 2019 - 12:50 PM, said:
Probably because it would have been too complicated in terms of rights to make the character to be Batman.
Never Forgotten, on 11 June 2019 - 12:50 PM, said:
It absolutely was. A wisecracking, no-nonsense damsel-rescuing action hero is like the most 90's thing ever.
The real reason as to why the game was considered so controversial is because video games were not as mainstream as they are now and as such were a convenient scapegoat. That of course does not mean that there were not legitimate criticism to be made about Duke Nukem 3D, but its loudest detractors tended to be conservative talking heads and politicians looking to shift the blame for all the harm that their shitty politics have been causing. The same can be said about rap music and everything that was underground/not quite mainstream yet.
This post has been edited by johnnythewolf: 12 June 2019 - 07:16 AM
#46 Posted 12 June 2019 - 09:45 AM
johnnythewolf, on 12 June 2019 - 04:15 AM, said:
But do these characters sell games, or do the games sell themselves? In Dante's case I would say he helps sell the game because of his style, but the typical generic protagonist is not really a positive or a negative. What I was saying is an inoffensive Duke is a serviceable video game character but he is not likely to sell many games these days. The game would have to become successful on its own merits.
#47 Posted 12 June 2019 - 09:47 AM
Forge, on 11 June 2019 - 09:06 PM, said:
*by politically correct, all I mean is a normal fucking game and who cares if some fuckhead's feefees get bruised.
This, i'm tired of games pandering "modern sensitivities". No matter what kind of game you make some idiot on the internet is gonna complain.
If you get offended by something in a game, or in a movie or whatever, it's your own goddamn fault, not the developers.
This post has been edited by Lazy Dog: 12 June 2019 - 09:48 AM
#48 Posted 12 June 2019 - 10:57 AM
johnnythewolf, on 12 June 2019 - 04:15 AM, said:
You absolutely have no idea what you are talking about. No idea.
Yes, Postal is niche ... but that's also the braincells that comapre Postal and Duke.
#49 Posted 12 June 2019 - 11:27 AM
Forge, on 11 June 2019 - 09:06 PM, said:
*by politically correct, all I mean is a normal fucking game and who cares if some fuckhead's feefees get bruised.
Problem is, when you make a politically incorrect anything, people will call it right wing. Make a game that makes fun of everyone and you might not actually have anyone left to sell it to. That's how polarized society is nowadays.
#50 Posted 12 June 2019 - 11:47 AM
No. I just think that there should be more to the Duke Nukem franchise than Duke Nukem 3D.
I agree, but that doesn't mean Duke 3D isn't the perfect idea of what a Duke game should be like.
Or maybe the writers either had their own idea, or they understood that making it a Batman movie could hurt the reception of their movie.
Not in a video game. Games didn't have the profane, one lining, and womanizing characters Duke is, not to mention the sexual content in the game.
If you look into it, you'll actually see mostof the controversy came from the game's portrayal of women, and it was from media outlets, not politicians. Doom got controversy from politicians, not Duke.
#51 Posted 12 June 2019 - 11:49 AM
#52 Posted 12 June 2019 - 11:53 AM
A pastiche of 80s and 90s action films. Wisecracking hero, explosive action, extreme violence, some satire and a bit of titty.
Let Duke be Duke. Fuck the haters.
#53 Posted 12 June 2019 - 11:54 AM
thricecursed, on 12 June 2019 - 11:27 AM, said:
It doesn't have to be political anything. It doesn't have to make fun of anyone. It just needs to tell its story and be a good game; not pander to some outrage mob. If someone feels that it isn't inclusive enough, or that it marginalizes a group, they can go fuck themselves with a cricket bat. Don't apologize. Don't change.
#54 Posted 12 June 2019 - 12:28 PM
Forge, on 12 June 2019 - 11:54 AM, said:
Duke by his mere presence is already a kind of statement and broadly appeals to people who lean more right than left, which probably wasn't the case in the 90s, but it sure is the case now. I think a proper reboot is only possible in about 10 years and that's being optimistic.
#55 Posted 12 June 2019 - 12:46 PM
thricecursed, on 12 June 2019 - 12:28 PM, said:
It's all because of DNF. People talk about Duke's attitude towards women, but it's more than that. For example, the association between Duke and the American Flag wasn't a thing in Duke 3D. But after Duke 3D, in the various promotional materials for the different DNFs, we started to see Duke with the flag in the background, or the flag on his gun.
#56 Posted 12 June 2019 - 12:59 PM
Trooper Dan, on 12 June 2019 - 12:46 PM, said:
I get that, but I mean, I live in Europe and just because I happen to be a large fellow (powerlifted for years), people assume all kinds of shit about me. My wife especially will let me know what people say to her that they're afraid to say to my face and plenty will flat out assume I'm some kind of extremist asshole just because I'm tall and muscular. They probably thought that in the past too, but it didn't matter as much, you know? Now everything is taken super seriously and people will freak the fuck out and try to exclude you. That happens both on the left and right, which is why I said if you actually made a proper satire of modern culture (instead of just making fun of SJWs), you wouldn't have anyone to sell it to. That isn't to say it shouldn't be done, I just don't think anyone will risk doing it.
#57 Posted 12 June 2019 - 01:13 PM
Zor, on 12 June 2019 - 11:53 AM, said:
A pastiche of 80s and 90s action films. Wisecracking hero, explosive action, extreme violence, some satire and a bit of titty.
Let Duke be Duke. Fuck the haters.
i wish i could +1 this multiple times
#58 Posted 12 June 2019 - 01:28 PM
Zor, on 12 June 2019 - 11:53 AM, said:
A pastiche of 80s and 90s action films. Wisecracking hero, explosive action, extreme violence, some satire and a bit of titty.
Let Duke be Duke. Fuck the haters.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. That is where Duke shines. Maybe play around with a glory kill type system, and it'd be a blast.
#59 Posted 12 June 2019 - 01:58 PM
Zor, on 12 June 2019 - 11:53 AM, said:
A pastiche of 80s and 90s action films. Wisecracking hero, explosive action, extreme violence, some satire and a bit of titty.
Let Duke be Duke. Fuck the haters.
Listen to this guy, he knows what's he talking about.
#60 Posted 12 June 2019 - 03:43 PM
thricecursed, on 12 June 2019 - 11:27 AM, said:
It's not a secret that leftists are retarded, they call "right-wingers" using their own imaginary terms even themselves, it doesn't even matter how much left-leaning you are, and completely normal things are the most "politically incorrect" shit in their eyes.
This post has been edited by Sledgehammer: 12 June 2019 - 03:45 PM