![Posted Image](http://www.mrthekiller.com/webroot/img/t3d/ep2_banniere.png)
Size : 118 Mo
Language : English
OS : Windows
Duration : undefined
Content: a second Episode (3 Levels)
Previously: Episode 1
Trailer :
Synopsis :
You love money too much! You have come back to this country, which you had so much trouble fleeing, to execute a new contract.
To make matters worse, you did not come to the easiest region to escape: you are in the dark city of Randomaniac! Here, the levels all have three possible random configurations. This is therefore a lot of ways to be envisaged for organize a leak, you fool! This episode consists of three levels, this is no less than (3x3x3) 27 possible ways to live this adventure unnecessarily perilous!
But do not lose hope! Get ready for a new getaway and many new challenges. And with a bit of luck, the target you came to shoot may be on your way ...
Other Informations :
Chance also affects the nature of certain items/enemies popping during the game; this nevertheless takes into account the level of difficulty chosen
I made it with passion. I hope you will enjoy playing it
Web Site : http://www.mrthekiller.com
Download : Click me
References :
- The phrase "You weak, pathetic fool" is a reference to Mortal Kombat 2.
- The Ammo Boxes are a tribute to Doom.
Space-Saving-Screenshots® :
![Posted Image](http://www.mrthekiller.com/webroot/img/t3d/GIF_forums.gif)