By pure chance, I found a small article with a preview about a new retro shooter called "Project Warlock" on the website of my gaming magazine. It was released on GOG exlusively on Oct 18 and costs 11 EUR. The game should also pop up on Steam later on if you can wait a bit.
So far I have played the first 4-5 levels (there are supposed to be around 60) and I can already say it's pretty neat. Feels a bit like the modern brother of Wolf3D with pimped Unity graphics. You return to a hub (called "Workshop") after you are done with one stage of an episode (can be 1-4 rather short levels with 5-15mins gameplay each, at least as far as I could see until now). Here you can upgrade your skills, spells and weapons with stat points you have gathered while levelling up and collecting items/secrets throughout the levels.
+ Graphics with many tweaking options (retro filters, ambient occlusion, reflections. motion blur etc) and excellent lighting effects
+ Consequently executed Wolf3D style (90° angle walls, keys, secrets, no health regen)
+ Large variety: 5 worlds with 60 levels, about 40 weapons, 72 enemy types and 8 spells
+ Fast paced combat, often against larger groups of opponents
+ Motivating levelling system to upgrade weapons (2 upgrades for each, but only one can be chosen), skills and spells (also perks)
+ Really good music and sounds
+ Lower difficulty with infinite lives, higher difficulties with limited lives or even permadeath (RL mode)
+ No DRM
- No checkpoints or quicksaves - if you die before finishing a level, you have restart that level
- You can return to the Workshop before a stage is finished, but then you need to do the stage from the beginning afterwards
- Spells are rather useful for supporting conventional weapon combat
- Bosses are relatively easy with strong weapons
- Limited automap (no fullscreen view or overlay)
- Claustrophobic level design, especially at the beginning of the game
You really get a lot of game for your money on this one. If you are a fan of Wolf3D or Doom (and who isn't?) and like the general visual style of the game, you should definitely give this a try. The game even has references to other classic shooters like Blood (see attachment) which shows you how much care and detail went into this. It's straight to the point, fast and simple. For an (almost) one-man project of a 19-year old, it's pretty impressive, I'd say. Should this game receive modding support later on with custom levels etc., it may stay on my hard drive for quite a while, that's for sure.
Also check out this Youtube review to learn more.