Hello. My name is Nightsmoke aka TheNight. You can know me from bloodline.eu or blood.freeminded.de.
Here you can DOWNLOAD my new texture pack for Blood.
Pack contains 1368 new things including textures, sprites and animations. It is extension of original graphics. All new textures are showcased on txtstuff.map.
Pack is heavily inspired by Hexen, Heretic, Quake, Shadow Warrior, Doom and many, many more old school 3D shooter games.
Now you can build levels with new graphics and effects.
- Backup your current files
- Copy content of archive to blood (gdx) folder
- Run mapedit editor. ART files are loaded automatically to editor
- Now you can build levels with new graphics!
- If you want to see all new graphics, run txtstuff.map
- If you will use new textures in your map project you need to distribute your maps with the texture pack (ART files and surface.dat file). Otherwise it will not work.
DoxBox and BloodGDX compatible.
Tested with BloodGDX v0.791 (03.05.2018)
For further information please see readme.txt
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.