In addition to adding support for modern widescreen resolutions (and you can zoom the camera to your liking) this mod does much more than just that.
The UI is completely overhauled to function like a newer game, albeit with the same aesthetics as D1. It functions much like Diablo 2 now with the trade system, they've added stashes, crafting, tons of new armors and weapon sets, waypoints, colored lighting, new enemies and areas, blood effects for attacks, tons of new skills, new spells (cold spells are in the game now) classes, and generally pretty much added every intuitive improvement that D2 brought, plus a ton of new things.
Also, they added the quests that were cut from the game, and new NPCs like Gheed (complete with a gambling system like D2) - and NPCs also wander around and engage each other too.

I'm really surprised they managed all this with Diablo 1, considering just 2 years ago people were struggling to add new tilesets.