MetHy, on 18 February 2014 - 07:29 AM, said:
I will completely honest with you, I guess I haven't followed eduke's technical stuff at all because I had no idea polymost and classic had such important differences. Until now I thought eduke32's setting called 'software' was classic look.
Well yes, "software mode" is pretty much synonymous with classic, plus the features and fixes without which it would be a pain to run nowadays -- proper widescreen support comes to mind, for example. While there are the obvious differences between classic and Polymost, these two renderers share CG-algorithmic ideas. Polymer on the other hand is rewritten from the ground up.
What makes you draw a distinction between 'software' and 'classic'?
Actually, they would often render things very similarly, but the GL mode has the depth buffer at its disposal. This may be the main reason why some glitches occuring in classic are "hidden" in Polymost. (Which does not mean that they're not there by the way; translucency and/or see-through texels may expose them.)
I have to admit that I forgot how that can be toggled even if I recall writing it myself.

That wording is a bit unfortunate. Polymer doesn't "hide" these glitches, Polymer is simply capable of rendering such scenes correctly in the first place.