More spritework will be included in the final version but for now, the basics, light, shadows, some doors and purely decorative inaccessible areas (seen in many maps done by mapping gods)
I often pay attention to detail and i will try as much as i can to make it as visually stunning as Gambini's maps, after all, "It lives map" (done by him) was one of the reasons i started mapping (6 months ago i think)
However, i suck at scripting events but i'll practice...
Please give me advice, ideas and such. (regarding spritework and in general)
Changelogs can be found in my latest posts
Thank you in advance!
P.S. (That one part with the spaceship is unrelated leftover, I forgot to take it out

P.P.S. I forgot to mention, this map is best viewed with mapster32 instead of the game itself, because some areas are inaccessible and some lighting effects are harder to see, feel free to light up the entire map if you have trouble seeing.
Attached File(s)
Please Review.rar (19.52K)
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