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Please Review this (currently unfinished) map  "Experimental light effects and stuff"

User is offline   Foxley 


If anyone (preferably experienced mappers) could check this currently unfinished map.
More spritework will be included in the final version but for now, the basics, light, shadows, some doors and purely decorative inaccessible areas (seen in many maps done by mapping gods)
I often pay attention to detail and i will try as much as i can to make it as visually stunning as Gambini's maps, after all, "It lives map" (done by him) was one of the reasons i started mapping (6 months ago i think)
However, i suck at scripting events but i'll practice...
Please give me advice, ideas and such. (regarding spritework and in general)
Changelogs can be found in my latest posts

Thank you in advance!

P.S. (That one part with the spaceship is unrelated leftover, I forgot to take it out :P but feel free to review it too...)

P.P.S. I forgot to mention, this map is best viewed with mapster32 instead of the game itself, because some areas are inaccessible and some lighting effects are harder to see, feel free to light up the entire map if you have trouble seeing.

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This post has been edited by Foxley: 13 August 2013 - 05:46 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


This is a very small area but I think it's a great looking start. I like your style: the combinaison of grey and wooden/brown textures is quite unique and looks really good.

Be careful not to have too many cramped areas though, or at least to try and balance them out with more open areas (even the outdoor area seems quite small); or it will hinder gameplay. Try to think of gameplay as you're mapping...

imo the lightning of the light you can turn on should be improved, like go all the way to the wall and maybe have a bigger area of effect

Don't try to go too much into overdetailing. It's generally not really worth it imo. i think the current amount of detail is pretty good. Scripted events are cool though.

User is offline   Foxley 


View PostMetHy, on 12 August 2013 - 09:06 AM, said:

This is a very small area but I think it's a great looking start. I like your style: the combinaison of grey and wooden/brown textures is quite unique and looks really good.

Be careful not to have too many cramped areas though, or at least to try and balance them out with more open areas (even the outdoor area seems quite small); or it will hinder gameplay. Try to think of gameplay as you're mapping...

imo the lightning of the light you can turn on should be improved, like go all the way to the wall and maybe have a bigger area of effect

Don't try to go too much into overdetailing. It's generally not really worth it imo. i think the current amount of detail is pretty good. Scripted events are cool though.

Thank you for your review, i have plans for an epic battle with Cycloid Emperor so there will be a lot of big open areas, perhaps even multiple collapsing buildings.
I have a plan, you won't be fighting the boss in a traditional way but you will have to race around the ruined city and fire cannons (actually single use-switch controlled explosions) avoiding his rockets and using occasional cover and such.
Also somewhere in the middle i will change starry night sky to foggy grey (the one you often see in the winter), to change the ambience.

This post has been edited by Foxley: 12 August 2013 - 09:26 AM


User is offline   DavoX 

  • Honored Donor


Be careful with map corruption, it has like 6 bugs even in it's initial stage.

User is offline   Foxley 


View PostDavoX, on 12 August 2013 - 12:46 PM, said:

Be careful with map corruption, it has like 6 bugs even in it's initial stage.

Oh, thanks for the warning, can that damage the map and in what way?
And how do i fix it?

User is offline   DavoX 

  • Honored Donor


Well the bugs can be any sort of different things, sectors created outside of another sector, walls on top of eachother , joining non adjacent sectors, etc...


Nice map, nice texturing I think it's too dark but thats just my opinion add street lights and use a sector effector of 49 to make it look really nice.

User is offline   Foxley 


View PostBalls of steel, on 12 August 2013 - 07:50 PM, said:

Nice map, nice texturing I think it's too dark but thats just my opinion add street lights and use a sector effector of 49 to make it look really nice.

Thanks. If i'm not mistaking sector effector 49 is Polymer light, thanks for the idea!

User is offline   MetHy 


View PostFoxley, on 12 August 2013 - 12:55 PM, said:

Oh, thanks for the warning, can that damage the map and in what way?
And how do i fix it?

There is a command in Mapster32 that lets you see where the corrupts sectors are. This will tell you the command to do so : http://wiki.eduke32....yboard_Commands


[+ALT goto previous corruption
]+ALT goto next corruption

You can also try the Pascal Rouaud trick but usually it doesn't fix everything.


"I have a special key in Build (2D Edit Mode) that you can try:
Left Shift + Left Ctrl + Left Enter
It attempts to fix all these pointers. Of course (depending on how your map is corrupted) there's a good chance that it won't work."

"I mentioned it in my "8/14/95" entry of BUILD2.TXT, but apparently I forgot to add it to my list of Build keys.
The story is: I had to write that code to recover a map by either Allen Blum or Richard Gray (I forget which). It probably happened when they used my "new" sector ALT-highlighing tool before I fixed some bugs with it."

Even if I didn't need it myself, I can tell you, after some tests that I did in my corrupted files, that the operation DID fix everything in the map!

Once I tried it on a map of mine and it fucked up the level even more, so be sure not to save over the previous file if that's the case (in general be sure to have multiple saves of your maps and to make backups, way too much stuff are getting lost because of stupid reasons like hardware failure)

Good luck! Looks like you can come up with a good map

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View PostMetHy, on 13 August 2013 - 02:30 AM, said:

You can also try the Pascal Rouaud trick but usually it doesn't fix everything.

Don't use Ctrl-Shift-ENTER, especially for corruption levels >=4. Instead, go through the corruptions and see whether you can fix them manually. This wiki page contains some info about what they mean and how some of them can be resolved. In the OPs case, there are only six cases of a zero-length wall, in two places. One sector can be deleted (if it has vanishing area, highlight it and press Ctrl-Shift-DEL to force deleting the selection), for the other one, just drag a point away a little.

User is offline   Foxley 


View PostMetHy, on 13 August 2013 - 02:30 AM, said:

There is a command in Mapster32 that lets you see where the corrupts sectors are. This will tell you the command to do so : http://wiki.eduke32....yboard_Commands

You can also try the Pascal Rouaud trick but usually it doesn't fix everything.

Once I tried it on a map of mine and it fucked up the level even more, so be sure not to save over the previous file if that's the case (in general be sure to have multiple saves of your maps and to make backups, way too much stuff are getting lost because of stupid reasons like hardware failure)

Good luck! Looks like you can come up with a good map

Thanks for the tip!


Changelog -Added more lightswitches
-(mostly) finished the apartment area
-New area that connects to the road (not actually, there's a fence lol.
-New garage with a truck in it (note that this is the first vehicle i ever made)
-Decided to replace old updates with new ones in my initial post

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This post has been edited by Foxley: 13 August 2013 - 05:47 AM


User is offline   Foxley 


After quite some time i live again (blood reference).

Well anyways my computer fried but thankfully my 1 Tb hard disk is alive and well too so all resources and over 3 years worth of maps are okay.
After some thinking i've decided to make this map AMC TC dependent since i was surprised by the amount of textures and new
functionalities (and enemies, guns, characters, pickups and so on...) of the aforementioned TC and because this map started to grow more boring as it increased in size, (lot bigger than what you saw in earlier versions.)

The story goes something like this: You must clear out a city abandoned by civilians due to alien invasion (more like a surgical strike) few states/countries away and then briefly captured by gangs (Asian mafia, from shadow warrior sprites will be used), but you are not the only one, Russian spec ops are assaulting/capturing it too (those soldiers from Highwire missions) , as there is a lot of military equipment at the hands of the Mafia (it is unknown if they are co-operating or rivaling with the Russians),

The map will be featuring character switching mid-game between 2-3 characters to make it more fun (most likely between James, Highwire and maybe Mikko (no offense to Mikko Sandt himself but his semi-futuristic weaponry probably won't fit in))
As i mentioned earlier i'll try to make the boss battle as awesome and original as i can make it.
Screenies are coming soon, but i will not be uploading W.I.P versions of maps but i will release a few Release candidates much later

Suggestions are still very welcome, regarding the storyline or gameplay. Don't hesitate!

User is offline   Foxley 


Screw this, i'll just release the finished product when it's done, and you'll (hopefully) be able to find it under AMC TC usermaps.

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