The track will be included in the rework of Reduked 2014, along with new versions of every track and a new song. So, I'm working with the artwork of the album, and creating a logo for what it would be a new Indie VGM Remix "Label" that I'm gonna use to release the 3 Reduked albums, and more unreleased remixes from other games I have been working in the past years. If everything goes good later it would be cool to invite some friends and international producers to make remixes / include already done remixes on future compilations, this is just a plan as I don't know what could actually happen out of this. Also I don't know if is possible to somewhat affiliate to Overclocked Remix without actually release stuff under it. Other dream come true would be if 3D Realms will look at Reduked(s) like official albums [?] That could distribute for free.

Fucking Duke Nukem Universe retardment curse

I edited this thread to avoid making a new one.
The original thread reads:
"Well i make this thread to stop bumping the old ones.
Here's a special demo of my upcoming Reduked 2 :
May i could release this track on few days. Also i'm planning to release Reduked II on early september December.
Hope you enjoy it, feedback are always acepted.
I'll not post here until I can release something