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Duke Nukem Forever in press

User is offline   Honza 


here is OCRed article from top page located here at duke4.net:


Totgesagte leben länger! Wir konnten Duke Nukem Forever ausführlich spielen und den neuen Vater des Duke, Gearbox-Chef Randy Pitchford, ausquetschen.

inmal wieder Kind sein. Sich .ml Weihnachten freuen, als gäb's im Leben nichts Schöneres. Mil zittrigen Händen das Gesehen* nehmen. Es vorsichtig auspacken, bis sich vor Gluck ein breites Grin¬sen auf dem Gesicht abzeichnet. So ungefähr ging es uns ab dem Mo¬ment, an dem wir erfuhren, dass wir tatsachlich Duke Nukem Fo-rovor spielen dürfen. Dreizehn (!) Jahre nach der Ankündigung des Ego-Shooters. Viorzohn Jahre nach Release des Vorgängers. Ein Jahr, nachdem die Entwicklung von DNF offiziell eingestellt wurde.
Wahrend Randy Pitchford. Chef des neuen Duke Nukem Forevei-Entwicklers Gearbox, uns seine er¬greifende Geschichte erzählt, wie er und einige Veteranen des Duke-Erfinders 3D Realms den Muskel¬protz nicht sterben lassen wollten, starren wir gebannt auf die Spiel¬station. Was würde uns erwarten? Kann der Duke genau wie vor 14 Jahren durch seinen Humor und seine Testosteron-triefende Per¬sönlichkeit begeistern? Können wir die Kult-Wummen wio Schrumpf¬kanone oder Frostgewehr aus¬probieren? Wie wird die grafische
Qualität sein? Mehr als 20 Minu¬ten dauert Pitchfords emotionale Rede. Dann dürfen wir uns endlich an den PC setzen, den Xbox-360-Controller schnappen und tun, was wir nach all den Jahren nicht mehr für möglich gehalten hatten: Wir spielen Duke Nukem ForeveiS
Die Story von Düke Nukem Forever ist einige Jahre nach dem Ende des indizierten Vorgängers ange¬siedelt. Immer noch tummeln sich Aliens auf der Erde und versuchen, die Menschheit zu vernichten. Der

Duke hat sich durch seine Helden¬taten einen Stellenwert erarbeitet, der dem eines Gottes recht nahe kommt ... Der Beleg dafür folgt, nachdem sich der Muskelshirt-Trager am Pissoir erleichtert hat -„Aaahtih" - und auf eine Truppe Soldaten trifft. Die Jungs stehen ratlos vor einer Tafel. Darauf ist ein Taktik-Schaubild gemalt, das zeigen soll, wie man dieses riesi¬ge Alien erledigt, das nebenan im
Football-Stadion die Kameraden killt. Duke-Veteranen dürfte die Football-Arena übrigens bekannt vorkommen.
Da den Helmträgem die zün¬dende Idee fehlt, lassen sie den Duke an die Tafel. Per Controller zeichnen wir, ohne nachzudenken, verschiedenfarbige Linien. Unser Gekritzel kommentiert der Grup¬penführer prompt mit den Worten: .Ich heb' keinen Plan, was Sie hier gezeichnet haben, aber es ist bril¬lant!"" Tja. dem Duke vertraut man eben blind...
Für das Mega-Alien braucht's dann aber gar keine besondere Taktik. Mit dem Raketenwerfer ja¬gen wir zig Geschosse auf den Kopl des Stahlkolosses und wei¬chen per Sprinttaste seinen Angrif¬fen aus. Dazwischen füllen wir un¬seren Raketenvorrat in der EndzO' ne des Football-Feldes. Nachdem wir das riesige Monster erlegt ha¬ben, kicken wir noch sein heraus¬hängendes Auge durch die Foot-ball-Stangen - Field Goall So und nicht anders kennen wir den Duke.
Als Nächstes springen wir ins zwei¬te Drittel des Spiels, wo wir mit Dukes Monstertruck durchs Gebir¬ge breitem. Per Knopfdruck schal¬ten wir den Vierrad-Antrieb ein, >

um Steigungen zu meis¬tern oder segeln mittels Turbo über Schluchten. | Wahrend der rasanten Borgtour jagen mehrere ' Alien-Raumschiffo über uns hinweg, Raketenein-schlage lassen den Truck kippon. Bevor der Duke sein . f ahrzeug allein mit Mus-V kclkraft wieder auf die 'V vier mächtigon Rei-. % fon stellt, muss er
\ erst |-:ni'(ji' iiintitT .^z*^ te Soldaten mit
Schwei ns-kopf
schlachten. Dazu zückt er seine Pis¬tole. Eine Automatik schiebt den roten Strahl des Laservisiers auf einen Gegner, sobald ihr in dessen Nähe /lelt. Nachdem die Schwei¬nereien erledigt sind, geht/s per Truck weiter zu einer Alien-Basis.
Spatestens jetzt beginnt dem Duko dio Hose im Schritt zu span¬nen, denn zwischen Hutten und Fässern liegen einige sexy Schie߬prügel herum. Als Erstes finden wir ein Snipergewehr. Oa das lan¬ge Rohr in der Zoomansicht kein bisschon wackelt, ist es uns ein Leichtos. damit massig Schweins¬kopfsülze zu erzeugen. Zumal die Widersacher scheinbar nicht an ih¬rem vorsauten Leben hangen und Deckungen häufiger links ^ liegen lassen.
Wenn ein Videospielhetd Spaß an Splatter hat. dann ist es der Duke. Und auch wir können gewis-so Freude nicht voibergen, als wir endlich die gesuchte Schrumpfka-none entdecken. Damit verkleinem wir die Wildsaufratzen auf Maus¬größe und lassen sio gleich darauf Bekanntschaft mit der Profilsohle unseres Stiefels machen. Wer ge¬winnt, brauchen wir nicht zu er¬wähnen, oder»
Am Endo dos Gefechts bleiben jedenfalls nur noch kleineÄrmchon und Beinchen übrig. Als Nächstes klemmt sich der Duke den Griff ei¬ner Schrotflinte in die fettfreie Hüf¬te. Ergebnis der Ballereien sind diesmal großo fliegende Arme und Beine - wir sind skeptisch, ob der USK das blutige Schweinefleisch schmecken wird...

Bevor der Duke Feierabend hat. darf er noch per stationärem Ge¬schütz tief fliegende Alien-Raum¬schiffe und ankommende Mutan¬ten unier Dauerfeuer nehmen. .Zu¬fällig" herumstehende Benzinfas¬set sorgen für mäßig dargestellte Explosionseffekte. Die Umgebung wie Bietter oder Wellblechwände lassen sich vom Großkaliber-MG auch nur teilweise durchlöchern.
Dann ist das rund 20-minütige Wiedersehen mit dem Duke auch schon wieder vorüber. Hier ein flap¬siger Machospruch auf dem Klo. da ein fliegendes Alien-Auge quer übers Footbali-Feld und dort sprit¬zendes Schweinsblut im Gebirge -eigentlich kam uns der Bürsten-kop' vor. als wäre er nie weggewe¬sen. Die Zeit mit dem Duke verging wie im Fluge, auch wenn innova¬tive Splelelemente oder grandiose
Grafikeffekte in der Welt des Neun-ztgerjahre-Helden keinen Platz zu haben scheinen.
Die Texaner von Gearbox Software haben sich gemeinsam mit Take 2 keinesfalls den Namen Duke Nu¬kem Forever gesichert, um ihr ganz eigenes Spiel zu basteln, man fuhrt vielmehr die Entwicklung von 3D Realms fort. Laut Raiuly Pitchford basiert die Grafik auf der Unreal Engine 2, die allerdings an vielen Stellen von 3D Realms und Gear¬box aufgemotzt wurde.
Das Ergebnis sind schöne Re-geneffekie, furchteinflößend dar¬gestellte Obermotze und flüssige Fghrsequenzen. Bat Licht-ZSchat-leneffekten, Detailgrad oder Tex¬turqualität ist Duke Nukem Forever aber weit von Grafik-Referenzen wie Crysis oder Uncharted 2 ent¬fernt. Doch wer genug Selbstbe¬wußtsein hat. um jahrelang mit ei¬nem unmodischen Borstenschnitt herumzulaufen, scheint auf Äu¬ßerlichkeiten ohnehin nicht so viel Wert zu legen. Insgesamt sind wir mit der Optik von Duke Nukem Forovor zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt zu¬frieden. Release ist ja erst 2011,
Bot unserem Besuch vorrieten die Entwickler auch, dass der Shoo-ter an jede Plattform speziell ange-passt wird. Die PC-Fassung dürfte demnach am besten aussehen, da sie Direct-X-ll-Grafikkarten spezi¬elle Shader-Rouitnen bereitstoll!. Auch bei den Versionen für PS3 und Xbox 360 könnte es optische Unterschiede geben. Auf unsere Nachfrage im Interview (Seite 19) hin, schloss Pitchford zudem einen 3D-Modus keinesfalls aus. Move oder Kinect werden allerdings nicht
unterstützt. Interaktive Pissoir-Akti-
onen im Wohnzimmer blühen uns
folglich keine... az

A die Vorfreude nach UJdhvn
am 11 angelang! nt
A wir gerne im ernten leben so raff waren, w« der Dyk«
A de Waffen lota1 cool sind
Der Dritt ist ganz der Alte, als wart er nie weggewesen. 2011 heißt es endlich wieder Hall to the kittg. baby1

most is done but still need LOTS of polishing.

and here is Google Translate automatic translation:


Dead live longer! We could play Duke Nukem Forever in detail and squeeze the new father of the Duke, Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford.

nce again be a child. Itself. Ml happy Christmas, as there'd be nothing better in life. Mil trembling hands take the * Viewed. Carefully unpack it until sen from a wide Gluck Grin ¬ emerges on the face. Something like it was us from the Mo ¬ ment, where we learned that we actually allowed to play Duke Nukem For-rovor. Thirteen (!) Years after the announcement of the first-person shooter. Viorzohn years after the release of its predecessor. A year after the development of DNF has been officially discontinued.
While Randy Pitchford. Chief of new Duke Nukem Forevei developer Gearbox, ¬ he tells us his cross story of how he and some veterans of the Duke-inventor of 3D Realms muscle ¬ not flashy wanted to die, we stare spellbound at the game ¬ station. What would we expect? Can the Duke just like 14 years ago by his humor and his testosterone-dripping delight personality Per ¬? Can we the cult cannon booming wio shrink ¬ ¬ try out or freeze gun? How is the graphic
its quality? More than 20 min ¬ th pitch takes Ford's emotional speech. Then we must finally turn on the PC, grab the Xbox 360 controller and do what we had thought after all the years no longer possible: we play Duke Nukem ForeveiS
The Story of culverts Nukem Forever is a few years after the end of the indexed based predecessor in ¬. Aliens are still fun on the ground and try to destroy mankind. The

Duke has its heroes ¬ did a status of the company that came very close to that of a God ... The proof follows after the muscle shirt transformer has facilitated at the urinal - "Aaahtih" -.. And to a force soldiers take The boys are baffled by a panel to it is painted a tactical chart that will show how this Riesi ¬ GE Alien done, the next door in
Football stadium kills the guys. Duke veterans expected to occur by the way football arena known.
Since the missing Helmträgem ¬ ignite the dividend idea to let the Duke on the board. By the Controller, we write without thinking, different colored lines. Our Doodle commented the group ¬ penführer promptly as saying. I lift 'no plan, what you have shown here, but it's brilliant ¬ lant "" Well!. you just blindly trust the Duke ...
For the mega-Alien's needs but no special tactics. By missile launchers so we zig ¬ Chen gene guns on the Koplen the steel colossus by Sprint and further ¬ ¬ angrif from its key fen. In between, we fill sera un ¬ rocket stocks in the EndzO 'ne of the football field. After we killed the giant monster ha ben ¬, we are still kicking out ¬ eye hanging by the Foot-ball-bars - Field Goall way and no other, we know the Duke.
Next, we jump into a two-thirds of the game ¬ te, where with Dukes Monster Truck through Gebir ¬ GE broad. Touch of a button we switched ¬ th four-wheel drive, a,>

Tern to slopes or sail through to masters ¬ Turbo canyons. | During the rapid Borg Tour hunt more 'alien Raumschiffo over us, propose, let Raketenein kippon the truck. Before his Duke. VEHICLES alone with Mus-V kclkraft back to the 'V-four mächtigon Rei. % Fon is, it must
\ First-| -:. Ni '(ji' iiintitT ^ z * ^ te soldiers
Ns welding head
. Slaughter To this end, he pulls out his Pis ¬ tole. An automatic sliding the red beam of the laser sight on an enemy when you close to it / lelt. After the pigs are finished nereien ¬ goes / s by truck on to an alien base.
Now starts at latest the Duko dio trousers to step NEN ¬ span, for between Hutten and drums are some sexy shooting ¬ thrashing around. First, we find a sniper rifle. Oa the lan ¬ GE tube in the zoom view bisschon no wobbles, it is our Leichtos. so massive brawn ¬ generate pigs. Especially since the enemies seem to not hang ih ¬ rem vorsauten life and coverages are often left ^ let.
DUKE MAG pork knuckles
If a Videospielhetd has fun splatter. it's the Duke. And also we can cer-voibergen so take pleasure not when we finally discover the sought-Schrumpfka none. We detractors the Warthog grimaces a mouse size and have the same draw sio acquaintance with the profile soles of our boots. Who GE ¬ winnt, we need not imagine it to ¬, or "
At Endo dos battle to remain in any case only kleineÄrmchon and legs still left. Next to the Duke caught the handle an ¬ ner shotgun in the fat-free hips ¬ te. Result of the shoot-Grosso this time are flying arms and legs - we are skeptical that the PSP will taste the bloody pig ...

Before the Duke was closing time. he may even ¬ per-patient total take protective low-flying alien space ships and incoming ¬ ¬ Mutan th unier continuous fire. . ¬ due to "standing around Infas Benz ¬ set provide for moderately represented explosion effects. Area as Biette or corrugated iron walls can be of large caliber machine gun and puncture only in part.
Then the 20-minute reunion with the Duke is already over. Here is a flap ¬ Siger macho slogan on the toilet. as a flying alien-eye cross over Bali Foot Field and there ¬ fuel-shielded tungsten halogen pig blood in the mountains, we actually got the brush-kop 'before. as he had never sen ¬ weggewe. The time with the Duke just flew by, even if innova ¬ tive Splelelemente or grandiose
Graphic effects in the world of nine-ztgerjahre heroes seem to have no place.
The Texans of Gearbox Software have secured with Take 2 not named Duke Nu ¬ kem Forever to create their very own game, but it leads on the development of 3D Realms. According to Pitchford Raiuly the graph is based on the Unreal Engine 2, which, however, was in many places by 3D Realms and Gear ¬ pimped box.
The result is beautiful geneffekie Re, is frightening ¬ Asked Obermotze and liquid Fghrsequenzen. Bat Light ZSchat leneffekten, level of detail or Tex ¬ turqualität is Duke Nukem Forever but far from graphic references like Crysis or Uncharted 2 ¬ removed. But who has enough self consciousness ¬. for many years running around with a bristle ¬ NEM unfashionable cut, seems to Äú ¬ ßerlichkeiten lay not so much value anyway. Overall, we have ¬ with the appearance of Duke Nukem Forovor peace at this time. Release is still only 2011,
Bot our visit vorrieten the developers, is that the Shoo-ter fits to each platform specially. The PC version should therefore look the best because they are already great Direct-X-ll-specific graphics cards ¬ compiled shader Rouitnen!. Even with the versions for PS3 and Xbox 360, there could be visually different. When we inquired in the interview (page 19) even concluded Pitchford also a 3D mode, not from. Move or Kinect however, are not
supported. Interactive urinal activ-
tions in the living room are blooming
Consequently, no ... az

A, the anticipation for UJdhvn
at 11 is long! nt
A, we like to live so in the harvest were raff, w "of the Dyk"
A de lota1 weapons are cool
The third is his usual self as he never left waiting. 2011 is finally back to the Hall kittg. baby1

so if any1 interested he/she can continue :(

P.S. whole scanned article is located here at duke4.net - see homepage, if you anyhow don't like this just remove it. thx

This post has been edited by Honza: 25 October 2010 - 06:03 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


cool story bro

User is offline   Yatta 

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Sweet, a bit messy but still a translation! Will add a link to this in the news item.


I would translate it if it had new info in it, but it don't except GBX thinking about 3D support!

I will try to translate the PCGames and Gamestar story's if they contain any new info alright?! :(

User is offline   Honza 


View PostJobi-Wan Kenobi, on Oct 26 2010, 04:12 AM, said:

I would translate it if it had new info in it, but it don't except GBX thinking about 3D support!

I will try to translate the PCGames and Gamestar story's if they contain any new info alright?! :(

I'd be glad if there is anything new :(


me too...but I doubt it somehow!

Wait until Wednesday! And remember I live in Germany...timezones! :(

User is offline   Micky C 

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what do you mean 3D support? as in with the red and blue glasses?

This post has been edited by Micky C: 26 October 2010 - 12:52 AM


User is offline   Honza 


View PostJobi-Wan Kenobi, on Oct 26 2010, 04:18 AM, said:

me too...but I doubt it somehow!

Wait until Wednesday! And remember I live in Germany...timezones! :(

I'm not far away from Germany :(




UPDATE: I translated the interview part of the cover story into English! Took me more than 2 hours! Jeez! :( I hope the grammar isn't too bad!

This post has been edited by Jobi-Wan Kenobi: 26 October 2010 - 02:26 PM


User is offline   Honza 


View PostJobi-Wan Kenobi, on Oct 26 2010, 04:59 PM, said:



UPDATE: I translated the interview part of the cover story into English! Took me more than 2 hours! Jeez! :( I hope the grammar isn't too bad!

I read it today and it's awesome - thx a lot!


okay guys, I bought Gamestar today. The part about the demo contains nothing new but the interview part is quite entertaining! Going to translate it now...this can take a while! :(


DNF cover story is only...translation coming tomorrow or Friday.



German people really seem to like that new Duke picture.


View PostBraveTriforcer, on Oct 27 2010, 04:04 PM, said:

German people really seem to like that new Duke picture.

Germans are mostly blond too, dude. I think it's easy to understand why they like him so much.

Lol no, seriously that was just a dumb joke...

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 27 October 2010 - 05:12 PM


User is offline   Slamm 


View PostMicky C, on Oct 26 2010, 08:52 AM, said:

what do you mean 3D support? as in with the red and blue glasses?

for pc it would most likely mean nvidia 3d vision, aslong as the game has a direct x mode and nothing was made lazily in 2d then it will work great.

usually most new games can be played 3d although one or two things are still 2d, mostly this is fine, unless something like a gun is 2d then it sucks, if it is then you would see 2 on your screen.

list of games are here

even some old gamecube and wii games can be 3d on pc.

This post has been edited by Slamm: 30 November 2010 - 12:07 AM



View PostSlamm, on Nov 30 2010, 12:05 AM, said:

for pc it would most likely mean nvidia 3d vision, aslong as the game has a direct x mode and nothing was made lazily in 2d then it will work great.

usually most new games can be played 3d although one or two things are still 2d, mostly this is fine, unless something like a gun is 2d then it sucks, if it is then you would see 2 on your screen.

list of games are here

even some old gamecube and wii games can be 3d on pc.

How the hell can a gun be 2D? I thought guns stopped using sprites in the 90's...

This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 30 November 2010 - 06:23 AM



View PostMr.Deviance, on Nov 30 2010, 05:07 AM, said:

How the hell can a gun be 2D? I thought guns stopped using spires in the 90's...

Yes so did I.........


picture of randy smiling > dukes face

User is offline   Hank 


Not sure how this 3D works. It lists games that are eight years old? Do they offset the rendering to give you the 3D effect? :blink:

User is offline   Slamm 


by the gun thing i meant with aiming.

sniper scopes mainly, but also the iron sights, it comes up on the screen twice if its 2d, sucks as you have to aim in between the two.

as for how it works, honestly i can't remember all of it.

games with newer direct X versions, 8 or higher i believe added depth to the images produced, converting a 2d game to 3d is then a lot easier than a movie.

it sends two images at 60hz each to each eye of the glasses, which is why you need a 120hz monitor.
each one of your eyes sees a different image, so the image gets processed twice and you need double the gpu power.
on old games, its not that great, on more recent ones however its quite incredible. The best game to see it on would be metro 2033 right now, in 3d with the lights off and surround sound it really feels like you are in those tunnels.

User is offline   Parkar 

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View PostHank, on Dec 2 2010, 04:28 AM, said:

Not sure how this 3D works. It lists games that are eight years old? Do they offset the rendering to give you the 3D effect? :rolleyes:

Yes. the driver offsets the "Camera" slightly for each eye.

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